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Hire Process & Information

Step 1 - Picking your Tartan

The most important step when building a Kilt hire with ourselves is picking the Tartan. We have 2 main collections: The Exclusive Collection & the Additional collection - with others available instore.


When choosing from the Exclusive collection and ordering more than 6 hires every 6th hire is free of charge. 


Have a look at our Kilt hire page to see full outfits for inspiration, or check out the Tartans page for detailed close ups of the available Tartans.


Additionally click here for a presentation of our collections.

Step 2 - Picking your Jacket

Choosing a style and colour of jacket that matches your Tartan couldn't be easier, see the product descriptions and images for help making your decisions. Alternatively seek advice from the chat function (bottom left of the screen) or call us for professional advice - all our contact details can be found on the contact us page.


Houston Kiltmakers Jackets are all made from super lightweight fine wool Barathea, with a range of buttons & silver wear options.

Step 3 - Silverwear & Accessories

We have 2 Silverwear options available - Shiny or Antique. Antique comes as an optional additional upgrade and therefore increase the cost of the hire.


Silverwear, Socks, Ties & Sporran options are available - If you are having trouble deciding online. choose any options and we can review and update in the future when you visit in store or once we contact you after the order has been placed.

Step 4 - Additional information

When placing an order we will require some additional information to ensure we can accommodate for your hire and ensure your perfect day runs smoothly.


We will require:

  • Your sizes - we can gather this information when you visit the store or send out a self measurement form. However we recommend coming in store and getting measured by our trained staff

  • Date of the function

  • Length of hire

  • Names of everyone wearing the hire(s)

  • Party name if applicable

  • Payment method (currently the website doesn't support payments so we can take payment in store or via BACS


We will always be in touch after the order has been placed to gather required information or to be available to give advice or information on the hire process.

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