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How to Measure for a Kilt

Updated: Jan 22

In this guide we will cover how to take accurate body measurements required for hiring or buying a kilt.

We always recommend being measured by one of our instore experts but we understand this isn't always possible. this guide will explain the required measurements and how to take them at home as accurately as possible.

First off lets cover Kilt hire measurements:

We always recommend having a friend to help when measuring and double check all measurements to ensure accuracy.

To measure yourself its best not to wear bulky clothing , remove all belongings from your pockets and stand straight and still facing forward.

silver tweed jacket with crown to cuff measurement
Crown to cuff measurement
1. Take your crown to cuff measurement:

Standing straight with your arms resting naturally by your side. using a fabric measuring tape measure from the shoulder edge to the bottom to your wrist. *note this may be easier if you have a comfortable fitting jacket on to use as a guide.

2.Taking your chest measurement:

Standing straight, face on with your body relaxed , wrap the measuring tape around your chest ensuring the measuring tape is laying flat around the body at the fullest point under the arms.

3. Collar size:

Gently wrap the measuring tape around your neck allowing room for movement and this measurement will be your collar size.

4. Taking your waist measurement:
Man holding measuring tape around waist
Waist measurement

Kilts naturally sit higher than trousers do , kilts sit on your natural waist around 1.5 inches above your hip bone , approximately where your belly button lies.

Wrap the measuring tape round your natural waist ensuring the measuring tape is laying flat and even around the waist , hold the measuring tape more snug than usual as the waist measurement should be firm. this is to prevent your kilt from falling down.

*note* the waist measurement should be firm but still comfortable.

5. Taking your kilt length measurement:

To measure your kilt length , hold your tape measure 1.5 inches above the hip bone and measure down to the middle of the knee.

during this measurement ensure to stand straight & face forward to ensure the body is in its natural position.

we will as your height as usually kilt length is proportional to height and we use our own guide to check how accurate your measurement is. Although body proportions are different for everyone so we still ask for a direct kilt length measurement for your particular body.

if your unsure of your kilt length measurement , you can reference this guide to check if your near to what you should be.

height- 5ft,2 5ft3 5ft4 5ft5 5ft6 5ft7 5ft8 5ft9 5ft10 5ft11 6ft 6ft1 6ft2 6ft3 6ft4

kilt length - 21" 21.5" 22" 22.5" 22.5'' 23''' 23'' 23.5'' 24'' 24.5'' 24.5'' 25'' 25.5'' 26'' 26.5''

*see self measuring hire forms and short YouTube guides attached below at the bottom of the page for guidance*

How to take made to measure measurements:

Its very important to understand how to take accurate measurements for a made to measure bespoke outfit , we aren't held liable for any misfitting garments made. We will always double check your measurements and present you this guide on how to accurately take bespoke measurements.

How to take your jacket measurements:

Crown to cuff - (6)
figure measuring template for sizing
Measuring reference guide

Just like measuring for a hire jacket you will need to measure from your centre shoulder down to your wrists / cuff edge.

*we recommend you measure this with a comfortable well fitting jacket as a guide*

Waist measurement - (4)

Again like hire we take your waist measurement to ensure your jacket fits properly & is in proportion to your body. To take your waist measurement locate your natural waist line and wrap the measuring tape round your waist until the tape meets itself ,

*This should be a comfortable measurement , not held tight or loose*

man holding measuring tape around hips
seat Measurement
Seat measurement - (5)

The seat is should be measured at the widest point of your lower hips & across the posterior. To take this measurement wrap the measuring tape laying flay around the widest point of your lower hips and hold comfortably till the measuring tape meets itself ,

Shoulder measurement - (D -> E)

The shoulder measurement is very important to how the overall jacket sits on the body.

This measurement will be easier to take with a jacket on, to measure your shoulder measurement, measure from your armhole seam to the start of your neckline .

Full jacket length measurement - (1 -> 7)

This measurement is the total length of the jacket from the neckline to the hem (seat measurement). Hold your measuring tape at the centre back of the neckline and measure down the centre of your back to the seat positioning.

1/2 back measurement - ( A -> B) Collar to waistline - (1->2)

To measure your half back lay the measuring tape Start by holding your measuring tape at the

under your arms at the widest point and measure neckline seam and measure down to your

from your centre back to your side underarm. natural waistline.

Additional information - We will request as much information we can to make your bespoke jacket as tailored to you as we can this requires factoring in your height , weight , posture and figure description.

We may ask for photos of you standing normally to understand your build and proportions better. we will also ask for your usual clothing size in jacket or suit form (i.e. 42 reg / long / short.)

made to measure tweed fabric jackets on hangers
Bespoke Tweed Jackets

Waistcoat figure diagram measuring guide
Waistcoat measuring guide

Waistcoat Measurements:

We take these measurements to ensure your waistcoat fits you properly and comfortably when worn with and without your jacket..

Chest & waist measurements (4 & 5)

If you have measured for a jacket you can use the measurements you have already taken or when buying a waistcoat alone you will need to measure your chest and waist as guided before.

Centre back of neck to top button measurement (1 -> 2)

If you own a well fitting waistcoat , measure with this on as a guide. Starting off at the centre of the back neck (point 1) measure round the neck tapering down to the positioning of the first button (point 2).

Centre back neck to bottom point of waistcoat (1 -> 2 -> 3)

To take this measurement repeat steps for 1& 2 and continue holding the measuring tape down to the front point of the waistcoat in one flued motion.

Nape to back (1 -> 6 )

Starting at the centre back neck measure straight down to the bottom of the waistcoat.

Man holding measuring tape against spine
Nape to Back
Man holding measuring tape against model
Measuring from point 1 to point 2

Kilt Measurements :

figure block of kilt with measuring reference points
Kilt measuring guide

Measuring for a kilt is very similar to measuring a kilt for hire, follow the hire guide on the following measurements:

- A snug but comfortable natural waist measurement (8)

- The kilt length (9) measured from natural waist to middle of the knee.

You also need to take a seat measurement as well for a kilt , if you have measured for a jacket or waist coat you can use the seat measurement you've already taken.

If not measure your seat (10) by :

Measuring at the widest point of your lower hips & across the posterior. To take this measurement wrap the measuring tape laying flay around the widest point of your lower hips and hold comfortably till the measuring tape meets itself .

we will additionally ask for your height & weight to ensure your kilt fitting properly and in relation to your individual build.

group of groomsmen walking and smiling
Citrine special weave kilts party

Measuring for trews / trousers :

Accurate measuring is very important to the fit of trousers , taking trouser measurements can be tricky we always recommend when measuring for anything wear well fitting trousers you already own & have a second person to help take and check measurements for accurate results.

Trouser figure with measuring references
Trouser reference guide

Outer side seam length (1 -> 2)

Start holding your measuring tape at the top of your waistband and follow flat and straight down the side of your leg till you reach the bottom of the trouser leg.

Inside leg measurement (3 -> 4)

Measure from the crutch to the bottom of the trouser leg holding your measuring tape flat and standing straight on facing forward for accurate measurements.

Waist measurement (5)

Same as before measure around the natural waist over a shirt and measure comfortably.

Seat measurement (6)

Holding measuring tape around the widest part of your lower hips , ensuring the tape is laying flat and evenly around the front and back.

Finished knee & bottom width (7&8)

This determines how the trousers will fit , the closer to your body measurements the slimmer the fat will be and the wider the looser the fit.

We also take your height to understand your proportions better and ensure your trousers will fit properly.

And just like that your one step closer to being a measuring master !

We've made this guide to help make self measuring a little bit easier and understandable. There is multiple easy follow videos attached below that will help you measuring at home.

Our experts will always double check thoroughly your measurements to ensure your hire / buy outfits fit properly.

We cant take responsibility for non fitting garments from incorrect measuring , if your unsure of any sizes or measuring , please don't hesitate to contact us at or call us on 0141 887 4879 or look to our additional guide videos below.


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